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Old 22-07-2021, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Bolesroor View Post
1996 Sti wagon HG woe back in 2014. Symptoms were overheating and coolant bubbling in the overflow.

(Thread under general mechanics page 6 'Wayne's World').

Good luck with getting it sorted.
Thank you!

If I don't want to go down forging route and just want to replace head gasket with something like a cosworth would you be worried if it was you? Looks like you went forged route but I'm not as interested in spending that kind of money on what is already a big old pit 😅 I've already spend a fortune uprating brakes this year 🤦🏻

Would you say a sniff test is pointless to confirm? My garage (Extreme Scoobies) is 2hr round trip and he doesn't have space to keep it until he can do the job (approx 3 months wait), so if it should be confirmed I would have to go to a basic local garage first as I don't know any others locally...

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