South East Scoobies

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Steve_PPP 20-10-2014 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by S6VBY (Post 198639)
Havnt got paypal bud but you can still pay via paypal using bankcard seemingly.:???:


Originally Posted by MSR2012 (Post 198644)
Just sent payment for 2 x tickets and 1 Car pass

Replied to PMs from you both :)

Scott.T 20-10-2014 09:06 PM

1. Steve_PPP (2 tickets, 1 car pass) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
2. Lucky (1 ticket, 1 car pass) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
3. Anger (3 tickets, 3 car pass's)
4. Ginola (2 tickets, 1 car pass) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
5. Red Baron (1 Ticket, 1 Car Pass) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
6. Captain Slow (3 Adult tickets +1 child + 1 car pass) PAID (£36 Confirmed Received)
7. BIG"E" (2 ticket 1 scoob pass) - PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
8. Hongkongfooi (2 ticket 1 car pass)
9. Moley_wrx (2 tickets, 1 car pass, 1 car cover ) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
10. NL03Scooby (1 ticket, 1 car pass) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
11. S6VBY (1 ticket,1 car pass)
12. Mortster ( 1 ticket, 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
13. RIIIDAA ( 1 ticket, 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
14. C.J. (1 ticket , 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
15. Silversurfer (1 ticket , 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
16. MSR2012 (2 ticket , 1 car pass ) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)

Steve_PPP 21-10-2014 06:31 PM

1. Steve_PPP (2 tickets, 1 car pass) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
2. Anger (3 tickets, 3 car pass's) PAID (£36 Confirmed Received)
3. Ginola (2 tickets, 1 car pass) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
4. Red Baron (1 Ticket, 1 Car Pass) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
5. Captain Slow (3 Adult tickets +1 child + 1 car pass) PAID (£36 Confirmed Received)
6. BIG"E" (2 ticket 1 scoob pass) - PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
7. Hongkongfooi (2 ticket 1 car pass)
8. Moley_wrx (2 tickets, 1 car pass, 1 car cover ) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
9. NL03Scooby (1 ticket, 1 car pass) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
10. S6VBY (1 ticket,1 car pass)
11. Mortster ( 1 ticket, 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
12. RIIIDAA ( 1 ticket, 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
13. C.J. (1 ticket , 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
14. Silversurfer (1 ticket , 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
15. MSR2012 (2 ticket , 1 car pass ) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)

Final list as it stands, 16 cars on the stand with 23 tickets paid up.

Steve_PPP 21-10-2014 06:45 PM

Just to add, i'll be ordering a few spare car passes as they are free. If there are any last minute requests to join the club stand, please PM me and I'll will reserve one for you - you can then pay on the gate (£15 per person, CASH ONLY).

Scott.T 21-10-2014 06:46 PM

Is Tim waiting for the planets to align before he opens his wallet ;)

Steve_PPP 21-10-2014 06:57 PM

Sorry, my bad. I double checked and its £15 on the gate on the day ;)

Sneaky post editing coming up......

Hongkongfooi 21-10-2014 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by SilverSurfer (Post 198706)
Is Tim waiting for the planets to align before he opens his wallet ;)

If you had an employer like I have then you'd understand the delay

Hongkongfooi 22-10-2014 12:11 PM

Sorry I'm not going to be able to go as my work have cancelled my day off:doubledown:

BIG"E" 22-10-2014 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Hongkongfooi (Post 198726)
If you had an employer like I have then you'd understand the delay

I would love to have an employer like yours. :doubleup:

Hongkongfooi 22-10-2014 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by BIG"E" (Post 198750)
I would love to have an employer like yours. :doubleup:

No you wouldn't they are **** trust me

seanbushby 23-10-2014 10:00 AM

Sorry I didn't see this before....would of come with you guys. I'll be there on another stand and got some track time....see u guys there

Moley_WRX 23-10-2014 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by seanbushby (Post 198773)
and got some track time...

Brave man :mrgreen:

Moley_WRX 26-10-2014 08:27 AM

For those who are going to be using the M23 that morning just a heads up that between Gatwick and Reigate there is a 40mph limit and down to 1/2 lanes due to roadworks, and it gets very busy/jammed on a Saturday morning, so worth leaving plenty of time or to take a different route.

Red Baron 26-10-2014 08:43 AM

Who was your passenger going to be Tim? If it was Sim and he can get himself over to Hastings I'm sure one of us can give him a lift.


Hongkongfooi 26-10-2014 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Red Baron (Post 198948)
Who was your passenger going to be Tim? If it was Sim and he can get himself over to Hastings I'm sure one of us can give him a lift.


It was but he can't make it either. thanks anyway shane:doubleup:

Steve_PPP 26-10-2014 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Moley_WRX (Post 198947)
For those who are going to be using the M23 that morning just a heads up that between Gatwick and Reigate there is a 40mph limit and down to 1/2 lanes due to roadworks, and it gets very busy/jammed on a Saturday morning, so worth leaving plenty of time or to take a different route.

Yeah its pretty crappy through that section isn't it. I'm hoping it won't be too bad that early in the morning though. At least they've finished Handcross for us suvverners ;)

Moley_WRX 26-10-2014 11:25 AM

Any plans on meeting times?

Steve_PPP 26-10-2014 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Moley_WRX (Post 198961)
Any plans on meeting times?

It'll be about 7:45am, in one of the previously used locations just off the M25 exit. Aim to leave there by 8, to get up to the circuit for about 8:15am - although i'll confirm everything later this week :)

Having been up at the BSB last weekend and seen the soggy (boggy!) state of most of the grass areas, I queried this with the organisers and they've said that all clubs will be on hard standing this year. So i guess there'll be a lot more clubs down in the lower paddock area and the drift taxis will be condensed/elsewhere/not at all.....

Thats just pure speculation though ;) So..... best way to tie down a gazebo when its on tarmac so can't be pegged?

Scooby Si 26-10-2014 10:44 PM

I've used spare wheels at previous shows... Or even had a couple of cars either side of the gazebo up on ramps with the lines tied off to the ramps. (Works well if you have a couple of cars that are about as clean underneath as they are on top... Scott's springs to mind! ;) )

Steve_PPP 29-10-2014 10:17 PM

Tickets have arrived :D

If you haven't bought one yet and still want to come let me know and I'll reserve you a car pass. You can then just buy a ticket on the gate (£15 cash) and still join us on the club stand :)

Stand location info plus meetup info should be posted in the next few days.

Steve_PPP 01-11-2014 10:33 AM

1. Steve_PPP (2 tickets, 1 car pass) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
2. Anger (3 tickets, 3 car pass's) PAID (£36 Confirmed Received)
3. Ginola (2 tickets, 1 car pass) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
4. Red Baron (1 Ticket, 1 Car Pass) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
5. Captain Slow (3 Adult tickets +1 child + 1 car pass) PAID (£36 Confirmed Received)
6. BIG"E" (2 ticket 1 scoob pass) - PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
7. Hongkongfooi (2 ticket 1 car pass)
8. Moley_wrx (2 tickets, 1 car pass, 1 car cover ) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
9. NL03Scooby (1 ticket, 1 car pass) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
10. S6VBY (1 ticket,1 car pass)
11. Mortster ( 1 ticket, 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
12. RIIIDAA ( 1 ticket, 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
13. C.J. (1 ticket , 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
14. Silversurfer (1 ticket , 1 car pass ) PAID (£12 Confirmed Received)
15. MSR2012 (2 ticket , 1 car pass ) PAID (£24 Confirmed Received)
16. Juggernaut (1 car pass)

Juggernaut 01-11-2014 03:27 PM

Thank you Steve :-)

scooby doo 02-11-2014 01:08 PM

Il be there but in the civic R as on track twice!

Anger 04-11-2014 07:49 AM

So what is the plan meeting wise

Steve_PPP 04-11-2014 11:02 AM

I had been holding off confirming as I've still not had the usual stand layout or final info through yet.... but need to get the ball rolling!

We will be using the same meeting point as we did last year!

Please make sure you are at Wested Lane, which is just off Junction 3 of the M25 (opposite side to Brands Hatch) - postcode is BR8 8EE.

We will queue up on the side of the road (in the area where the red lines are on the map above). I will be handing out tickets/car passes to people as they arrive. If I've got distracted by someone and you don't have your tickets within a few minutes of arriving, come and make yourself known! (For the newbies, ask someone to point you in my direction ;)) From there, we will go back under the M25 and convoy up to Brands Hatch.

Meet at Wested Lane - 7:45am
Leave for Brands Hatch - 8am sharp, to arrive approx 8:15am

Please be on time. If anyone has not arrived at the meeting point by 8am, then we may leave without you (we can't delay the whole group). If this happens, I will try and leave your tickets with the gate staff at Paddock entrance, but this cannot be guaranteed. If this is going to be a problem for anyone, then please PM me in advance.

Finally - a few words about behaviour. (and yes, most of this is copied and pasted from last years thread ;)) I know with the people on the list we shouldn't have any problems, but perhaps its worth us stating the obvious. We want you to all have a great day out but remember you are part of this club and representing SES by being on our club stand. Any bad driving or behaviour reflects negatively on us and may prevent us from being allowed to attend future events. No donuts on the grass at Brands, no speeding/racing in the convoy. Anyone found acting stupidly or dangerously may be denied access to the event and may have their access to the forum removed. All common sense stuff for 99% of folks, but we don't want the 1% ruining it.

Thanks 8-)

Ginola 04-11-2014 11:10 AM

Still need to wash the car!

Anger 04-11-2014 11:16 AM

Yeah the same on Washing the car

Ginola 04-11-2014 11:17 AM

Will be done in the dark! X fingers I don't miss any bits!

Steve_PPP 04-11-2014 11:21 AM

At the moment I'm a little concerned I won't have a car!! Got the scoob back about 10 days ago only for there to be a problem with the gearbox rebuild :( so its back with SMD (who are bending over backwards to have it ready but at the moment the box is still with Bexhill gearboxes!)

And it'll need a wash when if i get it back. Really don't want to turn up in a diesel :( :(

Ginola 04-11-2014 11:22 AM

Can always give you a lift ;)

Steve_PPP 04-11-2014 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ginola (Post 199292)
Can always give you a lift ;)

I'm meant to be bringing the gazebo and a mate is coming with me. Not sure what plans will be yet if the scoob isn't finished. Cheers for the offer though dude, its a backup plan at least!

Red Baron 04-11-2014 12:14 PM

Suppose I'd better dig mine out of the garage and give it a wash, not used it since the meet in September. Bloody garage roof has started leaking so even if I wash it I'll have to give the bonnet a once over when I get there, saying that, if the weather continues to be crap it will be filthy after the drive up anyway.

Steve_PPP 04-11-2014 12:55 PM

Just found out we are not using Scratchers Lane entrance this year as it will be congested with teams... New entrance shown below!

Event timetable:

C. J. 04-11-2014 02:04 PM

Don't even know if mine will start and think old age has hit so I'll more than likely be in the sorento as heated seats are nice to warm up on the homeward journey :)

Steve_PPP 04-11-2014 03:47 PM

Come on CJ, get the charger on the scoob and bring it along :)

So much for scoobs only, although I guess i might end up being a hypocrite if the gearbox isn't fixed on mine! :( Not for want of trying though!

NL03Scooby 04-11-2014 08:10 PM

Really looking forward to this, hope the weather is going to be kind, anyone got a good/reliable source for an update?


Originally Posted by Ginola (Post 199288)
Still need to wash the car!


Originally Posted by Anger (Post 199289)
Yeah the same on Washing the car

I washed mine Sunday thinking it may be the only chance I will get however my car lives outside so it may have proven pointless... I suppose some could even hold me thus responsible for the current crap weather :wink:.

I think a quick spruce up will be in order after work Friday and some use of my good friend 'rapid action detailer'.

C. J. 04-11-2014 08:34 PM

Looks like rain for Saturday

Steve_PPP 04-11-2014 10:39 PM

I'm told that SMD should have the gearbox back Thursday morning and it'll be going back in the car Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. So the scoob might just make it, assuming no further problems....... fingers crossed.

Weather looking iffy at the moment, will bring the gazebo for extra shelter in case its needed!

BIG"E" 05-11-2014 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by C. J. (Post 199320)
Looks like rain for Saturday

They have been wrong before fingers crossed..:doubleup:

Mike j 05-11-2014 08:00 AM

Was hoping to pop up and say hello, unfortunately JGM can't map my car today.
Maybe next time...

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